UBSJ publishes two issues of spring 2020 journal

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The UIC Bioengineering Student Journal (UBSJ) has published two issues of its spring 2020 edition.
The UBSJ gives students in the Richard and Loan Hill Department of Bioengineering a chance to develop writing skills in a student-friendly environment through academic publication. The group is open to both undergraduate and graduate students and releases a publication twice a year.
This spring’s issue include topics such as the detection of ovarian cancer, medical imaging, sonogenetics, clinical photoacoustic imaging, and diabetic nephropathy.
“The first issue of the UBSJ was published with the hopes of heralding a new chapter where students truly begin to push their ‘definition’ of what bioengineering is and what it can be – a journey with endless possibilities; and with every publication since, this vision is coming to fruition,” the UBSJ said.