WGN News features BME/CS 479 wearables class with Dr. Esmailbeigi
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Biomedical Engineering Department Clinical Associate Professor Hannaneh Esmailbeigi and a group of her students were recently featured on WGN’s Medical Watch.
The segment profiled BME and Computer Science 479 Wearables and Nearables Technology Laboratory course, which is open to engineering and computer science students. It challenges undergraduate and graduate students to work together to design their own wearable and nearable technologies.
The course enrolls up to 32 students who then work collaboratively to build five different devices over the course of 15 weeks. Esmailbeigi developed the course with CS Clinical Associate Professor Joe Hummel.
The video segment also spotlights Esmailbeigi’s Wearable Technology and Sensory Enhancement Laboratory and its work on creating a discreet wearable retainer to help disabled individuals.
The profile was also featured on iBIO’s Daily News Brief rundown.