BME Industry Day
Biomedical Engineering Industry Day Blurbs Heading link

The Richard and Loan Hill Biomedical Engineering Department and UIC’s Engineering Career Center partner each year to host an industry day for the department’s biomedical engineering and bioinformatics students.
The event allows our students to learn from and network with UIC biomedical engineering alumni who are working in a variety of different fields, including drug development, health care, tech, and many others.
Students who participate rotate through the industry partners during a series of roundtable chats to learn about their jobs, backgrounds, and career paths. The event then concluded with an hour of open networking time and refreshments.
The Richard and Loan Hill Biomedical Engineering Department has teamed up with the Engineering Career Center to host another Biomedical Engineering Industry Day on Oct. 29, 2021. Current biomedical engineering and bioinformatics students are invited to talk to and network with UIC biomedical engineering alumni working in companies such as Abbott, Pfizer, Baxter, AbbVie, and others.
Interested students will need to register on Handshake starting Monday, October 25, 2021 until event day, Friday, October 29, 2021. The event will run from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Students who decide to participate will have the opportunity to pre-register for a 10-minute, one- on-one session with engineers on Handshake. Attire for this event is business casual and students are encouraged to have their camera on throughout the event.
If you have any questions about the UIC Biomedical Engineering Industry Day, please contact Michelle Mittelman, Associate Director of the Engineering Career Center at